
Selected Publications

Nanton et. al (2009). Applications of the Responsibility Gap. Drucker Centennial Publication. Mannheim Group, Germany.

Social Capital and Women's Support Systems: Networking, Learning, and Surviving: New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number I122. San Francisco: Jossey Bass

Nanton, C. R. (2011). Creating leadership legacy: Social Learning and Leadership development. International Journal of Learning.

Nanton, C. R. (2012). Learning to Lead: Leveraging Social Learning, Social Capital, and Social Media in leadership development. In C. J. Boden and K. P. King (Eds.), 21st Century Adult Learning in Our Complex World. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Bryant, K. B., and Nanton, C. R. (2013). Are we measuring up? Needs Assessment for Pharmacy professionals. In C. J. Boden and K. P. King Developing and sustaining Adult learners. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.